What is Occlusal Disease?

According to the Dawson Academy, having an irregular bite, one in which the teeth come together improperly, can lead to occlusal disease. Teeth are designed to withstand the forces of biting and chewing - sometimes up to several hundred pounds worth! However, when teeth are misaligned, missing, too high or too low, the harmony of the bite is disrupted and these regular forces can be damaging.

Grinding and clenching habits can cause excessive tooth wear as well as discomfort and damage to the TMJs. A bite that is not in sync with the TMJs can contribute to this instability. A protective occlusal guard will protect your teeth and allow for muscle relaxation.

If you have experienced discomfort in your bite, we would be happy to see you for a consultation. The key to preventing the damaging effects of occlusal disease is to treat it thoroughly and early. Treatment may include restoration and recontouring of worn teeth, fabrication of a splint to prevent further damage, or re-alignment of the teeth. We will help determine which treatment plan is best for your individual needs.

What are the signs and symptoms of occlusal disease?

  • Broken, worn, or flat teeth

  • Tooth grinding or clenching

  • Tooth soreness or sensitivity  

  • Sore or tired muscles in the face and neck

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Painful clicking and popping jaw joints (TMJs) on opening or closing